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Client List

Our team is experienced in working with major customers, many of which we have been producing castings on a regular basis for the past 30 years.

North America

eaton Eaton
general dynamics General Dynamics
FloridaTurbineTechnologies Florida Turbine Technologies
ge General Electric
globeturbocharger Globe Turbocharger
goodrich_logo Goodrich
hamilton sundstrand Hamilton Sundstrand
honeywell Honeywell
textron HR Textron
moog Moog
nothrop Northrop Grumman
parker Parker Hannifin
pratt Pratt & Whitney – US & Canada
rollsroyce Rolls-Royce – US & Canada
seimens Seimens
spacex_logo SpaceX
turbomeca Turbomeca
UnisonLogoPMS540 Unison
whittaker controls Whittaker Controls
woodgroup Wood Group Turbine


logo_avio Avio (Italy)
eaton Eaton (UK)
honeywell Honeywell (Czech Republic)
mtu MTU (Germany)
rollsroyce Rolls Royce (UK & Germany)
turbomeca Turbomeca (France)
volvo Volvo (Sweeden)

Pacific Rim

honeywell Honeywell (Singapore, Japan, Taiwan & China)
ihi IHI (Japan)
levett Levett Engineering (Australia)
Quality Precision Delivery

2503 Pacific Park Drive. Whittier, CA 90601 - tel. (562) 695.0461  |  © 2025. All Rights Reserved.